Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Party

Wes, Danielle, Kim and Joe had their annual 4th of July party on the 3rd this year. It was a fun time filled with lots of family and friends. We got to see Heather & Steve and their little ones, Jack and Allison. Allison even sat with me and took a bottle for quite some time without crying!

Brody liked the fireworks at first, and he was watching them with intense concentration, but he just kept pointing at the sky and saying, "Noise!" - it was pretty funny. After a while he lost interest and fell asleep in his stroller. He didn't even wake up during the grand finale. :)

Brooklyne also made her first party appearance which was a real treat! The fireworks didn't bother her in the least - she slept through it all!

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