Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Journey

I read Google's quotes of the day today and loved this one:

"Whoever ceases to be a student has never been a student." ~George Iles

It just seemed appropriate for me to read today. I officially (and successfully) defended my dissertation on April 16, 2009, earning my doctoral degree in Information Systems and Communications from Robert Morris University. But even though I'm done with the program, I've always had a love of learning and know that I'll never stop seeking to learn and understand more. Plus, with my newly formed research skills, I know I'll continue to actively research in the future (formally or not).

While it's a huge relief to be finished, there is a part of me that's a little sad that it's over. Our advisors always say that getting a doctorate is "all about the journey" - and I think in many ways they're right. There's definitely a feeling of pride and accomplishment in finishing, but it was also fun to look forward to learning new things and having new (and repeated!) intellectual debates and discussions at each doctoral weekend. Plus, my program was cohort-based, and the others in the cohort that have gone on this journey with me for the past 3 years have honestly become great friends. It's hard to think that we won't see each other as much anymore... although I fully expect the Pittburghers to keep getting together!

I'm looking forward to the graduation dinner and the commencement ceremony in May. I just wish that Mom could be there too. I know she'll be with me there in spirit, but I can't help wishing for more.

1 comment:

Linz said...

Way to go, Jamie! That is awesome! We are cheering for you down in Florida! Congrats, Doc!