Sunday, March 27, 2011

6 Months Old

Dear Emma,

In the past month, you have grown so much! Your feet can touch the bottom in your froggy jumper now and you love sort of hopping in there. You are almost crawling - you can get up on your hands and knees and kind of rock back and forth, but you just won't move your hands or feet to get going anywhere. It's probably because you're too interested in standing all the time. You love it when someone holds you up so you can stand and wiggle around trying to get your balance. Your cousin Brody kindly let you borrow his activity table, and you have a blast standing there and playing with everything, watching the lights and listening to the sounds and music.

Bath time is definitely lots of fun now. You continue to splash and have fun most of the time. Other times you kind of mellow out and look at me like you're just so relaxed and happy (you must have gotten that from Mommy, because I love a good, relaxing bubble bath).

You love to play peek-a-boo, and you laugh like crazy when your Daddy pops up from somewhere and surprises you (no matter how many times he does it). You've also been known to laugh at Mommy when she sings silly songs and dances around to amuse you. Zoe, of course, still gets laughter when you see her playing around. You also started giggling when you saw Brody hitting a baseball in Pap-Pap's yard. I guess you thought it looked like fun!

You have a new high chair that you get to sit in for dinner time, and you love it! You've tried lots of veggies and fruits (apples are detested, sweet potatoes are loved). If you're not eating, you like to play with toys and watch Mommy and Daddy tinkering in the kitchen. You can also sit up in a shopping cart now like a big girl and you always look around the stores wide-eyed, just taking it all in.

We've noticed now that you're also starting to cry if you don't get a toy or object that you want (such as Mommy's iPhone or a Tostitos bag Daddy was holding) - but luckily you're easily distracted. I do have to mention that you seem to love all Apple products. :P

You've also been teething quite a bit, and got your second bottom tooth this month. There's been lots of drooling, chewing on frozen washcloths and teething rings, and general fussiness - but you came through it all like a champ.

Each and every day you're growing in new and different ways and your Daddy and I are having so much fun watching it all unfold. You are so loved, baby girl.

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