Thursday, March 17, 2011

Splish Splash

I've still been giving Emma her baths in the kitchen sink since it's so much easier than kneeling in front of the bathtub. She's starting to get too big for the sink, and tonight she proved it. She smacked the water with her open hand by accident and got a shocked look on her face. Then she did it again. And again. And again, adding in some kicks for good measure. She was having fun splashing and wouldn't stop! Water got all over me, all over the counter, window and floor. Every once in a while she would splash water into her own face and freak out a little. It was pretty all pretty funny. I probably shouldn't have laughed and encouraged it. Looks like we'll be moving to the baby tub inside the big tub soon!


Linz said...

Too cute! How wet did you get?

Jamie said...

Had to change my shirt because it was pretty soaked - at least the bottom of it. :)